Webinar: Remote support – The Virtual collaboration tool in the industry
Nora Nirhamo | 2021/05/21
Get to know of our webinar on “Remote support – The Virtual collaboration tool in the industry”, where we discuss the essentials to ensure business continuity, empower your workforce and support your frontline workers.
Against the Covid 19 pandemic backdrop, businesses are presented with unique challenges to adapt and reinvent work processes to meet social distancing requirements, disrupted supply chains, restricted travel and heavily scrutinized budgets.
Remote support – The Virtual collaboration tool in the industry is webinar where we discuss the essentials to ensure business continuity, empower your workforce and support your frontline workers remotely.
You will learn about:
- Remote support benefits and the competitive advantages they bring
- Key features of XReach remote support solution and RealWear ruggedized
head-mounted devices
- How to evaluate remote collaboration hardware and software solutions
Webinar hosts: Softability´s Juha Asunmaa and RealWear´s Rene Bachpederson
etätukiratkaisu RealWear remote support remote support solution webinar XReach